在一个下雪的冬日,一个温暖而喜庆的场景展开,充满了圣诞节的精神。在木屋前,甲板上装饰着圣诞树和礼物,而明亮的灯光则增添了舒适的节日氛围。旁边停着一辆红色的老式露营车,散发着温暖和冒险的气息。一个噼啪作响的火坑照亮了周围的环境,散发出舒适的光芒,一个戴着红围巾的迷人雪人站在附近。背景中,点缀着闪烁灯光的树木照亮了冬夜。这个地方完美地捕捉到了圣诞节的兴奋和宁静冬夜的浪漫,4K, | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




On a snowy winter day, a warm and festive scene unfolds, filled with the spirit of Christmas. In front of the wooden cabin, the deck is adorned with a Christmas tree and gifts, while brightly glowing lights add a cozy holiday touch. Beside it, a red vintage camper van is parked, exuding a sense of warmth and adventure. A crackling fire pit illuminates the surroundings, providing a cozy glow, and a charming snowman with a red scarf stands nearby. In the background, trees adorned with twinkling lights brighten the winter night. This place perfectly captures the excitement of Christmas and the romance of a serene winter evening, 4K,




 分类 艺术手绘    发表日期收录于25年01月6日