一幅动漫风格的插图,描绘了穿着西装的Iguro Obanai坐在穿着白色婚纱、胸前拿着一朵花的Kanroji Mitsuri旁边。他们笑得很开心,因为他们刚刚结婚。背景是竹林,肩上挂着五颜六色的丝带。全身拍摄色彩丰富,阳光明媚,光线柔和,宛如粉彩,营造出可爱美丽的场景。
An anime-style illustration depicting Iguro Obanai, dressed in a suit, sitting next to Kanroji Mitsuri, who is wearing a white wedding dress and holding a flower in front of her chest. They are smiling happily because they have just got married. There is a bamboo forest in the background, and colorful ribbons are hung on their shoulders. The full-body shot is colorful, the sun is bright, and the light is soft, like pastels, creating a lovely and beautiful scene.
一幅动漫风格的插图,描绘了穿着西装的Iguro Obanai坐在穿着白色婚纱、胸前拿着一朵花的Kanroji Mitsuri旁边。他们笑得很开心,因为他们刚刚结婚。背景是竹林,肩上挂着五颜六色的丝带。全身拍摄色彩丰富,阳光明媚,光线柔和,宛如粉彩,营造出可爱美丽的场景。