一艘船,背景是天蓝色和白色的云朵。这是一个美丽的夏日,阳光明媚,大海平静。以意大利城市景观为特色,背景是水渠和向日葵。这些建筑有白色的墙壁和蓝色的屋顶,其中一座上漂浮着一艘船。前景是另一座有黑色瓷砖和红色装饰的建筑。蓝天白云,远处群山,两岸岩石,草地,水面上漂浮的小船,蓝天白云的岛屿,被绿色或棕色的山脉环绕。前方是平静的大海,上面漂浮着一艘小船。背景是部分被雪覆盖的岩石和一些树木。一艘红色的船停在灯塔旁,上面的天空有淡蓝色的云朵,还有橙色的海风吹过。一艘船停在灯塔旁, | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




A boat , with background sky blue and white clouds. It's a beautiful summer day with sunshine and a calm sea. featuring an italian cityscape with water canals and sunflowers in the background. The buildings have white walls and blue roofs, and there's a boat floating on one of them. In the foreground is another building that has black tiles and red accents. blue sky and white clouds, mountains in the distance, rocks on both sides, grassy ground, small boats floating on water, an island with blue sky and white clouds, surrounded by mountains in shades of green or brown. In front is a calm sea where there's one small boat floating on it. The background features rocks covered partially in snow and some trees.A red boat is parked at the lighthouse, The sky above has light blue clouds and there's an orange sea breeze blowing. A boat parked at the lighthouse,




 分类 艺术手绘    发表日期收录于25年01月25日