《捕手樱》,日本动漫插图,Q Hayashida和宫崎骏风格,全身拍摄,20岁女孩,金色短发,身着白色魔法服装,坐在魔法扫帚上,在拟人化熊角色的右侧飞行,打扮成红色战士服装,边缘有粉色花朵边框,粉色粉彩背景,平阴影,明亮的颜色,简单的细节,充满活力,平着色,简单的线条,8mm镜头,低角度,缩小
Cardcaptor Sakura, Japanese anime illustration by Q Hayashida and Miyazaki style, full body shot, 20 year old girl with short blonde hair in white magical attire flying on magic broomstick to the right of an anthropomorphic bear character dressed as red warrior costume, pink flowers border around the edges, pink pastel background, flat shading, bright colors, simple details, vibrant, flat coloring, simple line work, 8mm lens, low angle, zoomed out
《捕手樱》,日本动漫插图,Q Hayashida和宫崎骏风格,全身拍摄,20岁女孩,金色短发,身着白色魔法服装,坐在魔法扫帚上,在拟人化熊角色的右侧飞行,打扮成红色战士服装,边缘有粉色花朵边框,粉色粉彩背景,平阴影,明亮的颜色,简单的细节,充满活力,平着色,简单的线条,8mm镜头,低角度,缩小