女孩,10岁,穿着粉色绸缎衣纱裙,古装,头顶是两个丸子发型,一颗小虎牙,眉心处有狐狸的头像印记,粉色鞋子,深夜,躺在森林一颗粗壮的大树下,手里拿着一个青绿色条纹的酒瓶,闭着眼,嘴角有口水,正面视角 极致细节,细节纹路,轮廓描边,轮廓描边,动漫风格,蓝光画质,32K 00002
The girl, 10 years old, wearing a pink satin dress, ancient costume, with two meatball hairstyles on her head, a little tiger's teeth, a fox's head mark on the middle of her eyebrows, pink shoes, late at night, lying under a thick tree in the forest, holding a green striped wine bottle in her hand, with her eyes closed, saliva at the corner of her mouth, frontal viewing Extreme details, detail patterns, outline strokes, outline strokes, anime style, Blu-ray quality, 32K 00002
女孩,10岁,穿着粉色绸缎衣纱裙,古装,头顶是两个丸子发型,一颗小虎牙,眉心处有狐狸的头像印记,粉色鞋子,深夜,躺在森林一颗粗壮的大树下,手里拿着一个青绿色条纹的酒瓶,闭着眼,嘴角有口水,正面视角 极致细节,细节纹路,轮廓描边,轮廓描边,动漫风格,蓝光画质,32K 00002