一个超级美丽而精致的UE5电影逼真的杰作3D猫耳朵,带有精致而精致的亚洲椭圆形(Goose-egg)的脸,站在一个广阔而辐射的智慧领域的中心。她漫长而流动的银色头发闪闪发光,猫的耳朵为她的存在增添了神秘的魅力。她刺穿的发光眼睛反映了深度的集中和启发。她优雅地伸出了双手,引导着智慧的流动,这些智慧流在她绕着她的神奇符文,天体图案和辐射能量波中旋转。整个场景都体现了知识的周期性,并具有复杂的光线,代表了智慧的永恒循环。 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




A super beautiful and delicate UE5 cinematic photorealistic masterpiece 3D Cat ears princess with a delicate and refined Asian oval (goose-egg) face, standing at the center of a vast and radiant field of wisdom. Her long, flowing silver hair shimmers with an ethereal glow, and her feline ears add a mystical charm to her presence. Her piercing, luminous eyes reflect deep concentration and enlightenment. She gracefully extends her hands, channeling the flow of wisdom that swirls around her in streams of glowing magical runes, celestial patterns, and radiant energy waves. The entire scene embodies the cyclical nature of knowledge, with intricate, spiraling currents of light representing the eternal circulation of wisdom.




 分类 插画漫画, 概念艺术    发表日期收录于25年02月20日