黑色漫画艺术,以绘画动漫、黑色漫画艺术、现实主义插图、幻想、插图的风格,用一只风化的手轻轻握住一根精致的、闪闪发光的金线,柔和的光线从线中散发出来,周围是微妙的、空灵的阴影。这只手很细,有微弱的线条和疤痕,讲述了一个故事,背景也很模糊,远处有一丝旋转的薄雾或微弱的发光线。柔和、柔和的色调,强调金色和阴影对比。异想天开的奇幻艺术风格,纹理细节精致,灯光大气,对比度高,场景插图,质量高, | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




noir comic art, in the style of painted anime, noir comic art, realistic illustrations, fantasy, illustration of A delicate, glowing golden thread held gently by a weathered hand, soft light emanating from the thread, surrounded by subtle, ethereal shadows. The hand is detailed, with faint lines and scars that tell a story, and the background is blurred, featuring a hint of swirling mist or faintly glowing threads in the distance. Soft, muted tones with an emphasis on gold and shadow contrast. Whimsical and magical fantasy art style, with intricate texture details, lighting atmospheric, contrast high, scene illustration, high quality,




 分类 艺术手绘    发表日期收录于25年01月8日