艺术品以尼克·奈特(Nick Knight)的风格为尼克·奈特(Nick Knight)的风格,戴着超大的贾斯珀(Jasper)锁耳环,其灵感来自艺术家詹姆斯·吉恩(James Jean)的风格,展示了超现实主义的细节。它的特色是许多由jasper制成的面孔,一半的面孔覆盖着铜链,里面有透明的天空。带扣。她穿着后现代光泽的塑料Balanciaga护套连衣裙,配以铜带,金属条纹和金属环,坐在平整的背景上。全身射击。红色和铜的提示。他们的眼睛之间可以看到星系,红色电路。杰作
A vintage photography in the style of Nick Knight featuring a beautiful pale female model, wearing an oversized jasper Lock earring, The artwork is inspired by artist James Jean's style, showcasing surrealistic details. It features many faces made of jasper and half covered with copper chains, with transparent skies inside them. Buckles. She is wearing a post-modern glossy plastic Balanciaga sheath dress with copper buckles, metal fringes and metal rings, sitting against a plain background. Full body shot. Hints of red and copper. A galaxy can be seen between their eyes, red circuitry. Masterpiece
艺术品以尼克·奈特(Nick Knight)的风格为尼克·奈特(Nick Knight)的风格,戴着超大的贾斯珀(Jasper)锁耳环,其灵感来自艺术家詹姆斯·吉恩(James Jean)的风格,展示了超现实主义的细节。它的特色是许多由jasper制成的面孔,一半的面孔覆盖着铜链,里面有透明的天空。带扣。她穿着后现代光泽的塑料Balanciaga护套连衣裙,配以铜带,金属条纹和金属环,坐在平整的背景上。全身射击。红色和铜的提示。他们的眼睛之间可以看到星系,红色电路。杰作