迈克尔·博雷曼人(Michael Borremans)在一个安静,最小的房间里射中一个男人的全身镜头,在所有墙壁和天花板上,都有高高的天花板,明亮,干净的陶瓷瓷砖。 A的房间里有一个男人,她周围的空气中漂浮着数十个大海星。海星是鲜绿色,红色,白色的颜色。该男子站在地面上,海星在男人空中时周围旋转360度。该男子穿着一件黑色的汗衫,长pjamas。蓝色,红色,绿色,黄色,黑色和白色工作室灯光氛围。过度逼真的摄影,被授予摄影,平静的面部表情,荒谬,怪异,怪异的照片拍摄,由Chris Cunningham,Kodak Portra800,Hasselblad 503cw。
Michael Borremans full body shot of a man in in a quiet, minimal room with high ceilings and bright and clean ceramic tiles on all walls and ceilings, on the threshold. There is a man in the room of a and there are dozens of large starfishes floating in the air around her. Starfishes are bright green, red, white in color. The man is standing on the ground, the starfishes rotate 360 degrees around the man while he is in the air. The man is wearing a black undershirt, long pjamas. Blue, red, green, yellow, black and white studio lights atmosphere. Hyper realistic photography, awarded photography, calm facial expression, absurd, grotesque, weird photo shooting by Chris Cunningham, Kodak portra800, hasselblad 503cw.
迈克尔·博雷曼人(Michael Borremans)在一个安静,最小的房间里射中一个男人的全身镜头,在所有墙壁和天花板上,都有高高的天花板,明亮,干净的陶瓷瓷砖。 A的房间里有一个男人,她周围的空气中漂浮着数十个大海星。海星是鲜绿色,红色,白色的颜色。该男子站在地面上,海星在男人空中时周围旋转360度。该男子穿着一件黑色的汗衫,长pjamas。蓝色,红色,绿色,黄色,黑色和白色工作室灯光氛围。过度逼真的摄影,被授予摄影,平静的面部表情,荒谬,怪异,怪异的照片拍摄,由Chris Cunningham,Kodak Portra800,Hasselblad 503cw。