柔和,铅笔质地,纹理绘画样式,描绘了一个穿着白色连衣裙的优雅女孩,长长的头发,美丽的白花漂浮在空中为了创造一种柔软,梦幻的质量,柔和的灯光突出了她的表达和肢体语言的特征和质地,整体图片创造了一种梦幻,超现实和流动的气氛白色和红色,浪漫漫画,32K超高清,浪漫漫画,32K超高清之间的对比 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




Pastel, pencil texture, texture painting style, depicting an elegant girl in a white dress, long flowing hair, beautiful white flowers floating in the air, psychedelic swirls and bright colors, the character and flowers are clearly portrayed, and the light and shadow interweave to create a soft, dreamy quality, the soft lighting highlights the characteristics and texture of her expression and body language, the overall picture creates a dreamy, surreal and flowing atmosphere, the style of strong contrast between white and red, romantic comics, 32k ultra high definition, romantic comics, 32k ultra high definition




 分类 插画漫画, 艺术手绘    发表日期收录于25年02月25日