一个荒凉的景观,远处有城市的废墟,抬头看着瓦砾中碎的巨大的埃菲尔铁塔,天空中有一些云。这座城市的废墟被高大的建筑物和碎屑所包围,建筑物破裂,空气尘土飞扬。整个场景传达了世界末日的感觉,暗示了破坏性场景或事件的发生。图片的视觉中心采用超宽角度的作品,磨损的后背景,朦胧的氛围,强烈的光线和阴影效果以及强大的英雄联盟绘画风格,图片质量是最好的 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译

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A desolate landscape with the ruins of a city in the distance, looking up at the huge Eiffel Tower broken in the rubble, with some clouds in the sky. The ruins of the city are surrounded by tall buildings and debris, buildings are broken and the air is dusty. The whole scene conveys a sense of the end of the world, suggesting the occurrence of destructive scenes or events. The visual center of the picture adopts ultra-wide-angle composition, worn post-apocalyptic background, hazy atmosphere, strong light and shadow effects, and strong League of Legends painting style, and the picture quality is the best




 分类 概念艺术    发表日期收录于25年02月28日