一位穿着蓬松的白色羊毛衫的日本妇女坐在一个kotatsu里,表情温暖舒适。在kotatsu桌上,有一个平篮,里面装满了成堆的柑橘。kotatsu毯子以红黑格子图案为特色,桌子由天然木材制成。背景是一个传统的日本客厅,在kotatsu附近有一只熟睡的猫。附近有一个油加热器,上面有一个金属水壶,里面的水沸腾时会释放蒸汽。背景展示了让人联想到昭和时代日本的家具和细节,增强了怀旧氛围。 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




A Japanese woman wearing a fluffy white fleece, sitting inside a kotatsu with a warm and cozy expression. On the kotatsu table, there is a flat basket filled with a mountain of mandarin oranges. The kotatsu blanket features a red and black checkered pattern, and the table is made of natural wood. The setting is a traditional Japanese living room, with a sleeping cat near the kotatsu. Nearby, there is an oil heater with a metallic kettle on top, releasing steam as the water inside boils. The background showcases furniture and details reminiscent of Showa-era Japan, enhancing the nostalgic atmosphere.




 分类 艺术手绘    发表日期收录于25年01月13日