一只拟人态黑色水牛,体型巨大的黑牛,黑色的毛发,身穿朴素的麻衣,强壮的肌肉,上半身凶兽纹身,左眼带着黑色的眼罩,手握巨大的战斧准备攻击,身体挺拔,五官细腻,细节完美,站立双腿微微弯曲准备出击,动态模糊,周围有飞扬的尘土和闪电,雷电,从侧面拍摄,战斗现场,天空阴云密布, 中国古代武术风格,rtx,daz3d,8k, 00001
A personified black water buffalo, a huge black cow with black fur, dressed in plain linen clothes, strong muscles, a fierce beast tattoo on the upper body, a black eye mask on the left eye, holding a huge battle axe ready to attack, with a straight body, delicate facial features, perfect details, standing legs slightly bent ready to attack, dynamic blur, surrounded by flying dust and lightning, thunder and lightning, photographed from the side, the battle scene, the sky is shrouded in clouds, in the style of ancient Chinese martial arts, rtx,daz3d,8k, 00001
一只拟人态黑色水牛,体型巨大的黑牛,黑色的毛发,身穿朴素的麻衣,强壮的肌肉,上半身凶兽纹身,左眼带着黑色的眼罩,手握巨大的战斧准备攻击,身体挺拔,五官细腻,细节完美,站立双腿微微弯曲准备出击,动态模糊,周围有飞扬的尘土和闪电,雷电,从侧面拍摄,战斗现场,天空阴云密布, 中国古代武术风格,rtx,daz3d,8k, 00001