来自侦探柯南的Shinichi Kudo,黑发,蓝眼睛,平静而认真的表情,全身插图,前后颜色对比度,明亮而对比的色调,动态姿势,站在一个宏伟的城市景观中,带有高耸的摩天大楼和背景中的霓虹灯,背景使用浓烈的红色和蓝色音调,地面上的照明反映了起始灯,佩戴时尚的现代侦探服装,电影构成,高质量的质地,充满能量和戏剧性的氛围城市环境,超高细节,史诗般的量表
Shinichi Kudo from Detective Conan, black hair, blue eyes, calm and serious expression, full body illustration, front and back color contrast, bright and contrasting tones, dynamic pose, standing in a grand cityscape with towering skyscrapers and neon lights in the background, The background uses strong red and blue tones, the lighting on the ground reflects the starting light, wears the fashionable modern detective costume, the cinematic composition, the high quality texture, the atmosphere full of energy and drama, the strong light effect, the detailed urban environment, the ultra-high detail, the epic scale
来自侦探柯南的Shinichi Kudo,黑发,蓝眼睛,平静而认真的表情,全身插图,前后颜色对比度,明亮而对比的色调,动态姿势,站在一个宏伟的城市景观中,带有高耸的摩天大楼和背景中的霓虹灯,背景使用浓烈的红色和蓝色音调,地面上的照明反映了起始灯,佩戴时尚的现代侦探服装,电影构成,高质量的质地,充满能量和戏剧性的氛围城市环境,超高细节,史诗般的量表