Yaeya Shinko,紫色长发,部分编织成狐狸耳朵形状,红色瞳孔,深邃而神秘。她穿着传统的女祭司服装,搭配红色和服和白色hakama,腰间系着红色腰带,肩上戴着金狐狸面具。她的整体外表既神秘又优雅,脸红了,双手交叉。站在大厅里,被光环和荧光包围着,她穿着考究,动漫风格,高贵,优雅,鸿凯星穹铁路动漫人物CG,干净的图片,日本动漫风格,粗线条,细致的面部绘画,模糊的背景,景深,00003
Yaeya Shinko, with long purple hair, partially braided into fox ear shape, red pupils, deep and mysterious. She was dressed in traditional priestess attire, paired with a red kimono and white hakama, with a red waistband around her waist and a golden fox mask adorning her shoulders. Her overall appearance was both mysterious and elegant, with a blushing face and crossed hands. Standing in the main hall, surrounded by a halo of light and fluorescence, she was fully dressed, Anime Style, Noble, Elegant, Honkai Star Dome Railway Anime Character CG, Clean Pictures, Japanese Anime Style, Thick Lines, Detailed Face Drawing, Blurred Background, Depth of Field, 00003
Yaeya Shinko,紫色长发,部分编织成狐狸耳朵形状,红色瞳孔,深邃而神秘。她穿着传统的女祭司服装,搭配红色和服和白色hakama,腰间系着红色腰带,肩上戴着金狐狸面具。她的整体外表既神秘又优雅,脸红了,双手交叉。站在大厅里,被光环和荧光包围着,她穿着考究,动漫风格,高贵,优雅,鸿凯星穹铁路动漫人物CG,干净的图片,日本动漫风格,粗线条,细致的面部绘画,模糊的背景,景深,00003