一个极简主义和不寻常的插图,其特色是拿着花朵的角色,以维克托·恩吉(Victo Ngai)的风格。一个典雅的黑人妇女,穿着白色和红色的日本和服连衣裙架起,脚上,长发散发着烟雾。它是一部全身肖像,将水粉作为媒介,靠在纯白色背景上。艺术品展示了简单的细节,极简主义,纯色块和具有混合图案的纹理表面处理。
A minimalist and unusual illustration featuring a character holding flowers, in the style of Victo Ngai. An elegant Black woman wearing a white and red Japanese kimono dress stands on her feet, with long hair made of smoke blowing to the back. It is a full-body portrait, using gouache as the medium, against a pure white background. The artwork exhibits simple details, minimalism, solid color blocks, and a textured surface treatment with mixed patterns.
一个极简主义和不寻常的插图,其特色是拿着花朵的角色,以维克托·恩吉(Victo Ngai)的风格。一个典雅的黑人妇女,穿着白色和红色的日本和服连衣裙架起,脚上,长发散发着烟雾。它是一部全身肖像,将水粉作为媒介,靠在纯白色背景上。艺术品展示了简单的细节,极简主义,纯色块和具有混合图案的纹理表面处理。