三联壁画,左边是蓝色长发的美女,伸出一只手,一块冰块悬浮在手掌中心,中间是一艘航母,右边是一只恐怖的章鱼库拉肯,粒子特效, 日本漫画风,二次元,超级细节,正面视角,蓝光画质, 32K
Triple mural, on the left is a beautiful woman with long blue hair, holding out a hand, an ice block suspended in the palm center, an aircraft carrier in the middle, and on the right is a horrible octopus Kurakan, particle special effects, Japanese comic style, anime, super details, front view, blue light quality, 32K
三联壁画,左边是蓝色长发的美女,伸出一只手,一块冰块悬浮在手掌中心,中间是一艘航母,右边是一只恐怖的章鱼库拉肯,粒子特效, 日本漫画风,二次元,超级细节,正面视角,蓝光画质, 32K