雄伟的巨型狮子,象征着犹大部落,以强大而气质的姿势。它的金色鬃毛以温暖的反射闪耀,例如黎明时的阳光照射,在风中挥手。他的眼睛很紧张,充满了智慧,反映了勇气和领导。在他身后,一个戏剧性的天空,上面有金色的云,神圣的光线穿过地平线,营造出神圣的氛围。狮子在一块高岩石上,其坚固的爪子在地面上,祖先的痕迹带着祖先的标记,指的是部落的继承。离散的希伯来语符号可以在背景中看到,从而增强了他们的精神联系。图像传达了力量,特许权使用权和保护,好像狮子在保持神圣的王国一样。摄影传达了情感和背叛,具有逼真的风格,逼真的调色板。专业摄影,现实,高质地,真实照片,超高细节,高清,4K,UHD,电影,电影,景深,反校正,屏幕空间反射,阴影,眩光,电影构成,高对比度,32K,20px,20px ,Pantone颜色18-750非常薄弱,
The majestic giant lion symbolizes the tribe of Judah, in a powerful and elegant posture. Its golden mane shines with warm reflections, such as the sunlight at dawn, waving in the wind. His eyes were nervous and full of wisdom, reflecting courage and leadership. Behind him, a dramatic sky with golden clouds above it, the divine light crosses the horizon, creating a divine atmosphere. The lion is on a tall rock, its strong claws are on the ground, and the traces of ancestors carry the marks of ancestors, referring to the inheritance of the tribe. Discrete Hebrew symbols can be seen in the background, thereby enhancing their spiritual connection. The image conveys power, royalty and protection, as if the lions were maintaining a sacred kingdom. Photography conveys emotions and betrayal, with a realistic style, realistic palette. Professional photography, reality, high quality, real photos, ultra-high detail, HD, 4K, UHD, movie, movie, depth of field, anti-correction, screen space reflection, shadow, glare, movie composition, high contrast, 32K, 20px, 20px, Pantone color 18-750 is very weak,
雄伟的巨型狮子,象征着犹大部落,以强大而气质的姿势。它的金色鬃毛以温暖的反射闪耀,例如黎明时的阳光照射,在风中挥手。他的眼睛很紧张,充满了智慧,反映了勇气和领导。在他身后,一个戏剧性的天空,上面有金色的云,神圣的光线穿过地平线,营造出神圣的氛围。狮子在一块高岩石上,其坚固的爪子在地面上,祖先的痕迹带着祖先的标记,指的是部落的继承。离散的希伯来语符号可以在背景中看到,从而增强了他们的精神联系。图像传达了力量,特许权使用权和保护,好像狮子在保持神圣的王国一样。摄影传达了情感和背叛,具有逼真的风格,逼真的调色板。专业摄影,现实,高质地,真实照片,超高细节,高清,4K,UHD,电影,电影,景深,反校正,屏幕空间反射,阴影,眩光,电影构成,高对比度,32K,20px,20px ,Pantone颜色18-750非常薄弱,