蒂姆·沃克(Tim Walker)拍摄的一张亚洲女性的照片,她穿着华丽的未来主义服装,躺在床上,有许多金银机器人,采用工笔画风格,在一间华丽的红色丝绸卧室里,柯达彩色胶卷,金箔口音,伊夫·圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)从上方拍摄,面部特征细节,双手细节
a photograph of an Asian woman in ornate futuristic dress, on the bed with many silver and gold robots, in style of gongbi painting, in a rich red silk bedroom, by Tim Walker, Kodachrome film, gold leaf accents, shot from above, by Yves Saint Laurent , detailed face features, detailed hands
蒂姆·沃克(Tim Walker)拍摄的一张亚洲女性的照片,她穿着华丽的未来主义服装,躺在床上,有许多金银机器人,采用工笔画风格,在一间华丽的红色丝绸卧室里,柯达彩色胶卷,金箔口音,伊夫·圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)从上方拍摄,面部特征细节,双手细节