在空间站上,一个紫色头发的惊艳女孩被各种颜色和大小的猫包围着。穿着可爱的粉红色和紫色太空服的女孩,穿着宇航员服的猫。背景显示了浩瀚的太空,有无数的恒星和星系。现代、时尚的空间站,配有机械部件。女孩和猫一起探索太空的异想天开的未来主义场景,8k,逼真,辐射,8k,电影照明,35mm f1。4、富士彩色胶片
Stunning girl with purple hair surrounded by cats of various colors and sizes on a space station. Girl wearing cute pink and purple space suit, cats in astronaut suits. Background shows vastness of space with numerous stars and galaxies. Modern, sleek space station with mechanical components. Whimsical, futuristic scene of girl and cats exploring space together, 8k, realistic, radiant, 8k, cinematic lighting, 35mm f1. 4, fuji color film
在空间站上,一个紫色头发的惊艳女孩被各种颜色和大小的猫包围着。穿着可爱的粉红色和紫色太空服的女孩,穿着宇航员服的猫。背景显示了浩瀚的太空,有无数的恒星和星系。现代、时尚的空间站,配有机械部件。女孩和猫一起探索太空的异想天开的未来主义场景,8k,逼真,辐射,8k,电影照明,35mm f1。4、富士彩色胶片