一件动漫风格的艺术品,描绘了一条恶魔龙从天而降,其巨大的力量摧毁了这座城市,周围的建筑笼罩在黑暗的魔法中,暗红色的闪电在天空中闪烁。这一幕充满了紧张的气氛,龙发出邪恶的紫色光芒,代表了恶魔王国的入侵。灵感来自日本动画工作室studio Trigger的风格。
An anime-style artwork depicting a demon dragon descending from the sky, its immense power destroying the city, with surrounding buildings enveloped in dark magic, and dark red lightning flickering in the sky. The scene is filled with a tense atmosphere, with the dragon emitting an evil purple glow, representing the invasion of the demonic realm. The inspiration comes from the style of the Japanese animation studio Studio Trigger.
一件动漫风格的艺术品,描绘了一条恶魔龙从天而降,其巨大的力量摧毁了这座城市,周围的建筑笼罩在黑暗的魔法中,暗红色的闪电在天空中闪烁。这一幕充满了紧张的气氛,龙发出邪恶的紫色光芒,代表了恶魔王国的入侵。灵感来自日本动画工作室studio Trigger的风格。