一位男性,50岁,黑色中长发,佩戴银色手表,穿着白色衬衫和黑色围裙,搭配棕色工作靴,满足的微笑,嘴角上扬,双手忙碌地准备菜肴,站着,在餐馆内,温暖的灯光, 中国现代动漫风格,完美细节,超高清,动漫风格 010132-0021-0005
A male, 50 years old, with medium-length black hair, wearing a silver watch, wearing a white shirt and a black apron, paired with brown work boots, a satisfied smile, with a raised corner of his mouth, busy preparing dishes with both hands, standing, in the restaurant, warm lights, Chinese modern anime style, perfect details, ultra high definition, anime style 010132-0021-0005
一位男性,50岁,黑色中长发,佩戴银色手表,穿着白色衬衫和黑色围裙,搭配棕色工作靴,满足的微笑,嘴角上扬,双手忙碌地准备菜肴,站着,在餐馆内,温暖的灯光, 中国现代动漫风格,完美细节,超高清,动漫风格 010132-0021-0005