一个年轻的女孩,有着黑色的角和金色的眼睛微笑着从空表面的边缘偷看,她的表情在日本漫画的风格上是调皮的。背景应为鲜黄色,以补充它。她的金发长长的头发流过一个肩膀,形成了不对称的设计。她的手靠在两侧的空白框架上,为插图增加了深度和尺寸。以Shinkai Makoto的风格
A young girl with black horns and golden eyes smiles while peeking out from the edge of an empty surface, her expression is mischievous in the style of Japanese manga. The background should be bright yellow to complement it. She has long blonde hair that flows down past one shoulder, creating an asymmetrical design. Her hand leans against the frame of blank space on both sides, adding depth and dimension to the illustration. in the style of Shinkai Makoto
一个年轻的女孩,有着黑色的角和金色的眼睛微笑着从空表面的边缘偷看,她的表情在日本漫画的风格上是调皮的。背景应为鲜黄色,以补充它。她的金发长长的头发流过一个肩膀,形成了不对称的设计。她的手靠在两侧的空白框架上,为插图增加了深度和尺寸。以Shinkai Makoto的风格