Sakura出现了Cardcaptor Sakura,一个穿着睡衣的漂亮女孩坐在地板上,绿眼睛,短的棕色头发,气球和纸板箱形状,形状像“ 18”,为她的生日派对创造了浅粉红色的庆祝氛围。拥抱一只白色的波斯猫,彼此开心地微笑。背景是粉红色的,房间装饰着许多泰迪熊,花朵,蛋糕和礼物,它们非常可爱。它还说“生日快乐”。这就像电影亚里士多德的场景
Sakura comes form Cardcaptor Sakura, A beautiful girl wearing pajamas sat on the floor, with green eyes, short brown hair, balloons, and cardboard boxes shaped like the number "18", creating a light pink celebratory atmosphere for her birthday party. Embracing a white Persian cat and smiling happily at each other. The background is pink, and the room is decorated with many teddy bears, flowers, cakes, and gifts, which are very cute. It also says' Happy Birthday '. This feels like a scene from the movie Aristotle
Sakura出现了Cardcaptor Sakura,一个穿着睡衣的漂亮女孩坐在地板上,绿眼睛,短的棕色头发,气球和纸板箱形状,形状像“ 18”,为她的生日派对创造了浅粉红色的庆祝氛围。拥抱一只白色的波斯猫,彼此开心地微笑。背景是粉红色的,房间装饰着许多泰迪熊,花朵,蛋糕和礼物,它们非常可爱。它还说“生日快乐”。这就像电影亚里士多德的场景