一个英俊的动漫风格18岁男生, 有着红色短发和红棕色的眼睛, 站立, 手拿一大束玫瑰, 带着项链, 背后是操场, 白天. 夏天, 青春热烈, 穿着黄色棒球服, 特写, 正面对称, 含羞的笑, 背景模糊, 以吸引对脸部的关注, 他的表情传达出开心, 脸红, 除了他站立处的操场外外, 没有任何可以看见的文字元素, 高细节, 高清漫画效果, 韩漫
A handsome anime-style 18-year-old boy with short red hair and reddish-brown eyes, standing with a large bouquet of roses in his hand and a necklace, behind him is the playground, during the day. In summer, young and enthusiastic, wearing a yellow baseball uniform, close-up, symmetrical front, shy smile, blurred background, in order to attract attention to the face, his expression conveys happiness, blushing, except for the playground where he is standing, there is no visible text element, high detail, HD comic effect, Han Man
一个英俊的动漫风格18岁男生, 有着红色短发和红棕色的眼睛, 站立, 手拿一大束玫瑰, 带着项链, 背后是操场, 白天. 夏天, 青春热烈, 穿着黄色棒球服, 特写, 正面对称, 含羞的笑, 背景模糊, 以吸引对脸部的关注, 他的表情传达出开心, 脸红, 除了他站立处的操场外外, 没有任何可以看见的文字元素, 高细节, 高清漫画效果, 韩漫