一个帅气酷酷的女孩, 女生红色的披发发型, 精致的五官, 五官轮廓分明, 好看的眼睛, 精致的妆容, 酷, 帅, 帅气, 清冷, 美丽, 漂亮, 清冷, 破碎, 身穿黑色的皮裙, 带着半框眼镜, 老师, 教鞭, 破碎感, 破碎的氛围, 超高清画质, 浪漫的魅力, 32k, gelagame画风, 日本早期漫画风格, 古早, 艺术美学, 大师杰作, 线条感, 超高清画质, 自然光, 电影光效,
A handsome and cool girl with a red ponytail, delicate facial features, well-defined facial contours, beautiful eyes, exquisite makeup, cool, handsome, cool, beautiful, pretty, cool, broken, wearing a black leather skirt with half framed glasses, teacher, teaching whip, broken feeling, broken atmosphere, ultra high definition picture quality, romantic charm, 32k, Gelagame art style, early Japanese manga style, vintage, artistic aesthetics, masterpieces, line sense, ultra high definition picture quality, natural light, movie lighting effects,
一个帅气酷酷的女孩, 女生红色的披发发型, 精致的五官, 五官轮廓分明, 好看的眼睛, 精致的妆容, 酷, 帅, 帅气, 清冷, 美丽, 漂亮, 清冷, 破碎, 身穿黑色的皮裙, 带着半框眼镜, 老师, 教鞭, 破碎感, 破碎的氛围, 超高清画质, 浪漫的魅力, 32k, gelagame画风, 日本早期漫画风格, 古早, 艺术美学, 大师杰作, 线条感, 超高清画质, 自然光, 电影光效,