她的黑发长长,有粉红色的条纹超过腰部,眼睛是柔软的粉红色,苍白的皮肤,她的穿孔朝向右耳,她的耳朵很小,耳朵尖,动态的照明,全身,背景,背景被花朵,动态姿势,复杂的细节,age griptication,Mage,Mage,粉红色的粉红色trainic tattattoos沿着她胸部的胸部,
She has long black hair with pink streaks in it that goes past her waist, Her eyes are a soft pink, pale skin, She has piercings that go up the right ear, She had small pointed ears, dynamic lighting, full body, background is outside surrounded by flowers, dynamic pose, intricate details, mage, glowing pink runic tattoos along her chest
她的黑发长长,有粉红色的条纹超过腰部,眼睛是柔软的粉红色,苍白的皮肤,她的穿孔朝向右耳,她的耳朵很小,耳朵尖,动态的照明,全身,背景,背景被花朵,动态姿势,复杂的细节,age griptication,Mage,Mage,粉红色的粉红色trainic tattattoos沿着她胸部的胸部,