一对兄弟姐妹并排站立。她戴着光滑的黑色太阳镜,紧身的黑色西装,带有大胆的红色嘴唇。她一只手握着一把冲锋枪,随便将重量放在一条腿上。他穿着苗条的西装,散发出崎and的印象,双臂交叉,嘴唇之间的香烟。两者都散发出轻松而危险的气氛,因为它们直接凝视着前方。黑发。 27岁。
A pair of siblings stand side by side. She wears sleek black sunglasses, a tight black suit, with bold red lips. She holds a submachine gun in one hand, casually resting her weight on one leg. He wears a slim-fit suit, giving off a rugged but sharp impression, arms crossed, a cigarette between his lips. Both exude an air of ease and danger as they stare directly ahead. Black hair. 27 years old.
一对兄弟姐妹并排站立。她戴着光滑的黑色太阳镜,紧身的黑色西装,带有大胆的红色嘴唇。她一只手握着一把冲锋枪,随便将重量放在一条腿上。他穿着苗条的西装,散发出崎and的印象,双臂交叉,嘴唇之间的香烟。两者都散发出轻松而危险的气氛,因为它们直接凝视着前方。黑发。 27岁。