漫画单页,黑白,高对比度插图,高清晰度,实线,黑色墨水技术,竹内直子艺术风格,一个美丽的高瘦时尚少女,闭上眼睛,咧嘴一笑,黑色长发和刘海戴着耳机,围巾,黑色连帽衫,黑色芭蕾舞裙和黑色紧身裤和黑色高扣靴,她一只手一侧头部感觉到凹槽,另一只手臂向侧面伸出,她的手以时尚的方式水平指向,手里拿着一根玫瑰茎,双腿站立,几乎交叉。这是一个时尚的插图和时尚的时尚达人姿势。背景是赛博朋克时代广场纽约夜晚的简单背景,星空和满月,浪漫的时尚插图,简单的城市流行散景城市灯光是背景 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




A manga page single panel , black and white , high contrast illustration , high definition , solid lines , black inking techniques , naoko Takeuchi artstyle , a beautiful tall thin fashion late teenage girl with her eyes closed with a small grin , Long black hair and bangs wearing headphones , a scarf , a black hoodie , with a black tutu gown and dark leggings and black high buckle boots , she has one hand one her side of the head feeling the groove , the other arm is outstretched to the side with her hand pointed horizontally in a stylish fashion , a single rose stem is in the hand and her legs are standing and almost crossed. This is a stylish illustration and stylish fashionista pose . The background is a cyberpunk Times Square NY simple background at night with a starry night and full moon , romantic fashion illustration , simple city pop bokeh city lights are the background




 分类 插画漫画    发表日期收录于25年01月20日