马克·吐温(Mark Twain)舒适地坐在密西西比州的草丛河岸上,穿着轻便的西装和草帽,他的笔记本在他的腿上打开。在后面,您可以看到汤姆·索耶(Tom Sawyer)和hucklebarry Finn,赤脚且无忧无虑地坐在一条小型木制划艇,手里拿着钓鱼竿,懒惰地在平静的河水中垂钓。金色的阳光在涟漪上跳舞,树木的柔和沙沙作响增加了宁静的气氛。
watercolor painting, Mark Twain sits comfortably on the grassy riverbank of the Mississippi, dressed in a light suit and straw hat, his notebook open on his lap. in the back you can see Tom Sawyer and Hucklebarry Finn, barefoot and carefree, sits in a small wooden rowboat, fishing rod in hand, lazily angling in the calm river waters. The golden sunlight dances on the ripples, and the gentle rustling of the trees adds to the serene atmosphere.
马克·吐温(Mark Twain)舒适地坐在密西西比州的草丛河岸上,穿着轻便的西装和草帽,他的笔记本在他的腿上打开。在后面,您可以看到汤姆·索耶(Tom Sawyer)和hucklebarry Finn,赤脚且无忧无虑地坐在一条小型木制划艇,手里拿着钓鱼竿,懒惰地在平静的河水中垂钓。金色的阳光在涟漪上跳舞,树木的柔和沙沙作响增加了宁静的气氛。