杂志“ Chportal-03”的封面上有莱纳森的插图,其中包含白色和黄色的花朵,在金色背景的花瓶中。标题写在左上方,其下面的文字为“ Lino Linacek”。中国风格的花卉布置形成了艺术品的中心,包括茉莉花和奥斯曼萨斯在浅橙色和深灰色的阴影中开花。在右下角,还有一条线写作“ inugappager”。在第5746820页的页面上,上面的三行说“古代茶园的新生活”,
The cover of the magazine "CHPortal-03" features an illustration by Linasson, featuring white and yellow flowers in vases on gold background. The title is written at top left with the text 'Lino linacek' below it. A Chinese-style flower arrangement forms the center piece of the artwork, including jasmine and osmanthus blossoms in shades of light orange and dark gray. Inthe bottom right corner there's also one line writing that says 'Inugappager'. On page number 5746820 three lines from upper side the words say 'new life in ancient tea garden',
杂志“ Chportal-03”的封面上有莱纳森的插图,其中包含白色和黄色的花朵,在金色背景的花瓶中。标题写在左上方,其下面的文字为“ Lino Linacek”。中国风格的花卉布置形成了艺术品的中心,包括茉莉花和奥斯曼萨斯在浅橙色和深灰色的阴影中开花。在右下角,还有一条线写作“ inugappager”。在第5746820页的页面上,上面的三行说“古代茶园的新生活”,