插图,插图风格,清晰的高清gopro镜头,这是一个极端滑雪者跳出边缘的,他穿着黄色的裤子和蓝色夹克,黑色细节,冬天是法国阿尔卑斯山,周围有许多树木,他的护目镜在同样,他背后的景色显示了一个被白雪和松树覆盖的悬崖边,这是晴天,有很多云,相机角度应该从下面抬头看着那个跳过壁架的男人,图片捕捉了运动当hie Woodland脚踏到地球滑雪者时“瀑布”
Illustration, illustration style, clear, high definition GoPro footage of an extreme snowboarder doing jumps off the edge, he is wearing yellow pants and blue jacket with black details, it’s winter in French alps, there's many trees around him and he has his goggles on as well, the view behind him shows a cliffside covered by white snow and pine tress, it’s a sunny day and there is lots of clouds, the camera angle should be from below looking up at the man jumping over the ledge, the picture captures motion blur as hie woodland down to earth skier" falls
插图,插图风格,清晰的高清gopro镜头,这是一个极端滑雪者跳出边缘的,他穿着黄色的裤子和蓝色夹克,黑色细节,冬天是法国阿尔卑斯山,周围有许多树木,他的护目镜在同样,他背后的景色显示了一个被白雪和松树覆盖的悬崖边,这是晴天,有很多云,相机角度应该从下面抬头看着那个跳过壁架的男人,图片捕捉了运动当hie Woodland脚踏到地球滑雪者时“瀑布”