单色,是一个用墨水笔式的巨型尖刺龙的骑行和翅膀的小精灵的素描,采用了约翰·布塞玛(John Buscema)的风格。绘画用白色笔在沥青背景上画,笔绘画,美丽图案的满月在湖面上反射和摇摆,前景中的一棵大樱桃树,前景中被月光照亮的奇妙云,在前景中,奇妙而强大
monochrome, A sketch of an elf riding on the back and wings of a giant, spiky dragon, in an ink pen style, in the style of John Buscema. painting drawn with a white pen on a pitch black background, a pen drawing, Beautiful patterned full moon reflecting and swaying on the lake surface, A large cherry tree in the foreground, Fantastic clouds illuminated by moonlight, in the wind in the foreground, Fantastic and powerful angle of view
单色,是一个用墨水笔式的巨型尖刺龙的骑行和翅膀的小精灵的素描,采用了约翰·布塞玛(John Buscema)的风格。绘画用白色笔在沥青背景上画,笔绘画,美丽图案的满月在湖面上反射和摇摆,前景中的一棵大樱桃树,前景中被月光照亮的奇妙云,在前景中,奇妙而强大