黑豹,捷豹和一个老虎偷看穿过茂密丛林中的树叶,郁郁葱葱的热带的树叶。 程式化的手绘图软,有机纹理和可见的笔. 动物说话的眼睛并且稍微异想天开的,民间艺术美感。 丰富、深绿色主宰场景,有温暖的金黄色和橙色增加的对比。 组成是均衡的、与动物的部分隐藏在树叶,创造一个神秘而又温馨的氛围。 灵感来自于现代植物的插图和手画艺术野生动物
A black panther, a jaguar, and a tiger peeking through dense jungle foliage, surrounded by lush tropical leaves. Stylized, hand-painted illustration with soft, organic textures and visible brushstrokes. The animals have expressive eyes and a slightly whimsical, folk-art-inspired aesthetic. Rich, deep greens dominate the scene, with warm golden and orange tones adding contrast. The composition is balanced, with the animals partially hidden among the leaves, creating a mysterious yet inviting atmosphere. Inspired by modern botanical illustrations and hand-painted wildlife art
黑豹,捷豹和一个老虎偷看穿过茂密丛林中的树叶,郁郁葱葱的热带的树叶。 程式化的手绘图软,有机纹理和可见的笔. 动物说话的眼睛并且稍微异想天开的,民间艺术美感。 丰富、深绿色主宰场景,有温暖的金黄色和橙色增加的对比。 组成是均衡的、与动物的部分隐藏在树叶,创造一个神秘而又温馨的氛围。 灵感来自于现代植物的插图和手画艺术野生动物