顶级插画,视角是从底部向上看超震撼仰视视角,角色从上至下而来,向前伸出一只手,全身特写,高分辨率,动漫画风帅哥,幻想海洋的背景,身处海洋之中,动漫风格美少年,洋流环绕着身体,山海经风格,中国龙的蓝色角,鱼群,蛟龙拟人,丝绸锦衣,中国风汉服,深蓝色的服装,细腻的妆容,蓝色的长头发,头发随风飞舞,蓝色发光的眼睛,苍白的皮肤,高细节,超清,8K | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




Top illustration, viewing from the bottom up, super shocking upward view, the character comes from top to bottom, stretches out a hand, close-up of the whole body, high resolution, handsome man in cartoon style, fantasy ocean background, in the ocean Among them, the beautiful boy in anime style, the ocean currents surround the body, the style of the mountain and sea, the blue horns of the Chinese dragon, the fish, the dragon personification, the silk brocade clothes, the Chinese style Hanfu, the dark blue costume, the delicate makeup, the blue long hair , hair flutters in the wind, blue glowing eyes, pale skin, high detail, ultra-clear, 8K




 分类 插画漫画, 概念艺术    发表日期收录于25年02月19日