一个巨大的人类头骨,风化了,长满了苔藓和常春藤,变成了一个村庄。它中空的眼窝充当发光的窗户,光线溢出,而小房子依偎在头骨的脊上。木头制成的桥梁将牙齿连接到微型小屋,创造了一种超现实的建筑和谐。场景设置在日落时分,温暖的光线从头骨表面反射出来,骨头、苔藓和石头的超精细纹理,超逼真的阴影和灯光——v 6
A colossal human skull, weathered and overgrown with moss and ivy, transformed into a village. Its hollow eye sockets serve as glowing windows, with light spilling out, while tiny houses are nestled along the ridges of the skull. Bridges made of wood connect the teeth to miniature cottages, creating a surreal architectural harmony. The scene is set at sunset, with warm light reflecting off the skull's surface, hyper-detailed textures of bone, moss, and stone, hyper-realistic shadows and lighting --v 6
一个巨大的人类头骨,风化了,长满了苔藓和常春藤,变成了一个村庄。它中空的眼窝充当发光的窗户,光线溢出,而小房子依偎在头骨的脊上。木头制成的桥梁将牙齿连接到微型小屋,创造了一种超现实的建筑和谐。场景设置在日落时分,温暖的光线从头骨表面反射出来,骨头、苔藓和石头的超精细纹理,超逼真的阴影和灯光——v 6