一辆白色的金属保时捷964 Carrera RS,配备了一个大的黑色后机翼,该黑色后翼停在东京绿色美丽的雪橇自动售货机前,在东京,一个黄色的汽车号码读数为“ 13-14”,场景是从直接前方,直接捕获的白天,带有环境照明,用Hasselblad H6D-100C相机和Portra Film拍摄。
A white Metallic Porsche 964 Carrera RS Equipped with a large black rear wing parked near the In front of the green Beautiful Sprite vending machine at the Tokyo,a yellow car number plate reading "13-14",The scene is captured from directly front, with a back perspective,Day time,with ambient lighting,shot with a Hasselblad H6D-100c camera and Portra film.
一辆白色的金属保时捷964 Carrera RS,配备了一个大的黑色后机翼,该黑色后翼停在东京绿色美丽的雪橇自动售货机前,在东京,一个黄色的汽车号码读数为“ 13-14”,场景是从直接前方,直接捕获的白天,带有环境照明,用Hasselblad H6D-100C相机和Portra Film拍摄。