上半身,复杂的彩色铅笔素描,8k全彩的主要视觉效果,优雅地跳舞,袖子,背部和动态的姿势,优雅的姿势,宁静而神秘的表情,被装饰性边界和装饰性的动漫风格,逼真的动漫风格,神殿的少女,一个手,一只手举起了一个典型的仪式,表现出了典型的仪式,thement of the niraff shighs night nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh,thigh,thigh nigh thigh图案,长颤动的hakama,神圣的珠子和装饰品,轻轻摇摆,脱落的袖子,半长的直发头发,水彩风格,铅笔孵化的阴影,细线阴影表达式:: 1 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译


上半身,复杂的彩色铅笔素描,8k全彩的主要视觉效果,优雅地跳舞,袖子,背部和动态的姿势,优雅的姿势,宁静而神秘的表情,被装饰性边界和装饰性的动漫风格,逼真的动漫风格,神殿的少女,一个手,一只手举起了一个典型的仪式,表现出了典型的仪式,thement of the niraff shighs night nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh,thigh,thigh nigh thigh图案,长颤动的hakama,神圣的珠子和装饰品,轻轻摇摆,脱落的袖子,半长的直发头发,水彩风格,铅笔孵化的阴影,细线阴影表达式:: 1


upper body, complex color pencil sketch, 8k full-colored main visual, gracefully dancing with flowing sleeves, arched back and dynamic posture, elegant pose, serene yet mysterious expression, surrounded by decorative borders and art deco frame, realistic anime style, shrine maiden girl, one hand raised in a delicate gesture, the other hand holding a ceremonial fan, thighs, navel, traditional shrine maiden outfit with intricate patterns, long fluttering hakama, sacred beads and ornaments, swaying lightly, detached sleeves, semi-long straight white hair, watercolor style, shading by pencil hatching, fine line shadow expression::1



上半身,复杂的彩色铅笔素描,8k全彩的主要视觉效果,优雅地跳舞,袖子,背部和动态的姿势,优雅的姿势,宁静而神秘的表情,被装饰性边界和装饰性的动漫风格,逼真的动漫风格,神殿的少女,一个手,一只手举起了一个典型的仪式,表现出了典型的仪式,thement of the niraff shighs night nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh nigh,thigh,thigh nigh thigh图案,长颤动的hakama,神圣的珠子和装饰品,轻轻摇摆,脱落的袖子,半长的直发头发,水彩风格,铅笔孵化的阴影,细线阴影表达式:: 1

 分类 插画漫画, 概念艺术    发表日期收录于25年03月7日