2017年,reddit上发布了一张手机照片,一只毛茸茸的姜黄色虎斑猫仰卧在商店货架上的一个纸箱里,头轻轻向一侧倾斜,眼睛平静地闭上。它的后腿舒适地垂在盒子的边缘,前爪伸到柔软的腹部上方。这只猫长长的条纹皮毛在盒子的另一边散开,在周围明亮的黄色包装中搭建了一张舒适的临时床。尽管环境熙熙攘攘,但这只猫看起来非常放松,在商店的过道中央幸福地打盹。 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




A phone photo posted in reddit in 2017, a fluffy, ginger tabby cat lies sprawled on its back inside a cardboard box on a store shelf, with its head gently tilted to one side and its eyes peacefully closed. Its hind legs dangle comfortably over the edge of the box, while its front paws stretch out above its soft belly. The cat’s long, striped fur fans out across the box, creating a cozy, makeshift bed amid the bright yellow packaging that surrounds it. Despite the bustling setting, the cat appears perfectly relaxed, napping blissfully in the middle of the store aisle.




 分类 商业摄影    发表日期收录于25年01月25日