一个充满故事的图片,在一个下雪的夜晚,一个年轻而英俊的中国男人,短发,躺在雪中,穿着红色的中国传统婚纱。他抬起红色面纱,以吉恩·霍诺·弗拉格纳德(Jean Honore Fragonard)的风格,逼真的面部特征,极其美丽的面部细节,男性,看观众,油画,油画,艺术家Zhao风格的油画
a picture full of stories, On a snowy night, a young and handsome young chinese man, with short hair, stands in the snow wearing a red Chinese traditional wedding gown. He lifts the red veil to look at the audience, oil painting, artist Zhao style oil painting, in the style of Jean Honore Fragonard, realistic facial features, extremely beautiful facial details, male
一个充满故事的图片,在一个下雪的夜晚,一个年轻而英俊的中国男人,短发,躺在雪中,穿着红色的中国传统婚纱。他抬起红色面纱,以吉恩·霍诺·弗拉格纳德(Jean Honore Fragonard)的风格,逼真的面部特征,极其美丽的面部细节,男性,看观众,油画,油画,艺术家Zhao风格的油画