毫无表情的,瞳孔收缩,睁大眼睛,一个带有浅紫色蘑菇头的小女孩,白色的长发,白色的皮肤,穿着白色上衣和黑色裙子,站在街上,被僵尸包围,鲜艳的色彩,透明的线条,棒状型Slapdash slapdash fyhand freehand freehand freehand freehand freehand freemanga nime Manga彩色绘画高质量的细节Blur Chiarocculation Gloss 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K分辨率002240 002240 00240 00240 00240 00240 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译


毫无表情的,瞳孔收缩,睁大眼睛,一个带有浅紫色蘑菇头的小女孩,白色的长发,白色的皮肤,穿着白色上衣和黑色裙子,站在街上,被僵尸包围,鲜艳的色彩,透明的线条,棒状型Slapdash slapdash fyhand freehand freehand freehand freehand freehand freemanga nime Manga彩色绘画高质量的细节Blur Chiarocculation Gloss 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K分辨率002240 002240 00240 00240 00240 00240


Expressionless, pupil constricted, eyes wide, a little girl with a light purple mushroom head, white long hair, white skin, wearing a white blouse and a black skirt, standing in the street, surrounded by zombies, bright colors, clear lines,Stick figure style slapdash Freehand painting Anime manga style perfect composition High quality detail Background blur chiarosculation gloss 8k resolution 00240



毫无表情的,瞳孔收缩,睁大眼睛,一个带有浅紫色蘑菇头的小女孩,白色的长发,白色的皮肤,穿着白色上衣和黑色裙子,站在街上,被僵尸包围,鲜艳的色彩,透明的线条,棒状型Slapdash slapdash fyhand freehand freehand freehand freehand freehand freemanga nime Manga彩色绘画高质量的细节Blur Chiarocculation Gloss 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K分辨率002240 002240 00240 00240 00240 00240

 分类 插画漫画    发表日期收录于25年03月3日