lo-fi,minist of vintage photography,Evening time,20世纪80年代的中国电影,远景,黑暗的背景,一只优雅苗条的中国鹤站在一艘小船上,一个戴着长丝带的中国汉服的女孩坐在船上,河面上漂浮着几朵木兰花,散发着柔和的白光,摄影,神圣,在中国农村和恶劣的生活条件下,从20世纪80末到90年代初,写实摄影,超广角,神圣的光,这张照片是用柯达波特拉胶片拍摄的,背景是桂林的风景,背景中可以看到远处的山脉,Evening time
lo-fi,miniscent of vintage photography ,Evening time ,Chinese movies from the 1980s,Distant view, dark background,A graceful slender Chinese crane stands on a small boat , and a girl in long chinese hanfu with long ribbons sitting on the boat,several magnolia flowers floating on the river surface emitting soft white light,photography, Sacred,in China's rural areas and harsh living conditions from the late 1980s to the early 1990s,realistic photography,Ultra wide angle,the holy light,The photo was taken using Kodak Portra film stock,background is the landscape of Guilin,Distant mountains can be seen in the background,Evening time
lo-fi,minist of vintage photography,Evening time,20世纪80年代的中国电影,远景,黑暗的背景,一只优雅苗条的中国鹤站在一艘小船上,一个戴着长丝带的中国汉服的女孩坐在船上,河面上漂浮着几朵木兰花,散发着柔和的白光,摄影,神圣,在中国农村和恶劣的生活条件下,从20世纪80末到90年代初,写实摄影,超广角,神圣的光,这张照片是用柯达波特拉胶片拍摄的,背景是桂林的风景,背景中可以看到远处的山脉,Evening time