一位优雅的女士站在镜子前的平面插图。这个角色有一头棕色的长发和耳环,站在镜子前,用手按摩她的脸,微笑着,她光滑半透明的皮肤反映在镜子里。背景是一个简单的更衣室,墙壁坚固,梳妆台上摆放着各种护肤品和化妆品。阳光照在窗外,透过玻璃照进房间。整个画面明亮而不刺眼,突出了美白效果。浅粉色背景,美学品牌风格,极简主义,简单的形状,柔和的颜色,白色空间,负色调,数字艺术,矢量图形,Adobe Illustrator,平面设计,高分辨率,无阴影,高细节,高质量
Flat illustration of an elegant lady, standing in front of a mirror. The character has long brown hair and earrings, standing in front of a mirror, massaging her face with her hands, smiling, and her smooth and translucent skin is reflected in the mirror. The background is a simple dressing room with solid walls and various skin care products and cosmetics on the dressing table. The sun is shining outside the window, shining into the room through the glass. The whole picture is bright but not dazzling, highlighting the whitening effect. Light pink background, aesthetic brand style, minimalism, simple shapes, soft colors, white space, negative tones, digital art, vector graphics, Adobe Illustrator, graphic design, high resolution, no shadows, high details, high quality
一位优雅的女士站在镜子前的平面插图。这个角色有一头棕色的长发和耳环,站在镜子前,用手按摩她的脸,微笑着,她光滑半透明的皮肤反映在镜子里。背景是一个简单的更衣室,墙壁坚固,梳妆台上摆放着各种护肤品和化妆品。阳光照在窗外,透过玻璃照进房间。整个画面明亮而不刺眼,突出了美白效果。浅粉色背景,美学品牌风格,极简主义,简单的形状,柔和的颜色,白色空间,负色调,数字艺术,矢量图形,Adobe Illustrator,平面设计,高分辨率,无阴影,高细节,高质量