正面视角,特写镜头,脸部特写,70 年代中国漫画风格,70 年代中国城市,一个女人,十八岁,双麻花辫,黑色墨镜,黑色长发,表情开心,露出牙齿,张开嘴巴,瞪大双眼,双手各伸出一根手指贴在下巴,阳光明媚,背景街道,身穿 70 年代白色裙子,复古连环画风格,社会主义现实主义漫画,柔和色彩,复古手绘质感,印刷风格,纸张略泛黄,高分辨率 8K,清晰细节 00001
Frontal perspective, close-up shot, close-up of face, Chinese comic style in the 1970s, Chinese city in the 1970s, a woman, eighteen years old, double braids, black sunglasses, long black hair, happy expression, showing teeth, opening mouth, wide eyes, one finger sticking out of each hand on the chin,Sunny, background street, wearing a white skirt in the 1970s, retro comic strip style, socialist realism comics, soft colors, retro hand-painted texture, printing style, slightly yellowed paper, high resolution 8K, clear details 00001
正面视角,特写镜头,脸部特写,70 年代中国漫画风格,70 年代中国城市,一个女人,十八岁,双麻花辫,黑色墨镜,黑色长发,表情开心,露出牙齿,张开嘴巴,瞪大双眼,双手各伸出一根手指贴在下巴,阳光明媚,背景街道,身穿 70 年代白色裙子,复古连环画风格,社会主义现实主义漫画,柔和色彩,复古手绘质感,印刷风格,纸张略泛黄,高分辨率 8K,清晰细节 00001