可爱的日本卡通风格角色的插图称为“ idi”。这个可爱的女孩穿着五颜六色的衣服,拿着iPhone,躺在她的背上,躺在她周围有多个毛绒玩具的床上。她的金发绑在辫子上,头上有粉红色的头带和缎带。她的眼睛上涂有黑色眼线笔和红色的唇膏。这个插图具有柔和的音调和可爱的艺术风格
Illustration of a cute Japanese cartoon-style character called "DIDI". This cute girl is wearing colorful clothes, holding an iPhone, and lying on her back on a bed with multiple stuffed toys around her. She has blonde hair tied in pigtails and a pink headband and ribbon on her head. Her eyes are painted with black eyeliner and red lipstick. This illustration has soft tones and a cute art style
可爱的日本卡通风格角色的插图称为“ idi”。这个可爱的女孩穿着五颜六色的衣服,拿着iPhone,躺在她的背上,躺在她周围有多个毛绒玩具的床上。她的金发绑在辫子上,头上有粉红色的头带和缎带。她的眼睛上涂有黑色眼线笔和红色的唇膏。这个插图具有柔和的音调和可爱的艺术风格