协助设计别墅庭院:深7米,宽9米。庭院分为4个区域;1.种植面积:可以种植上述樟树、桂花树等树木,以及玫瑰、杜鹃花等地被植物。2.景观区:可以设置喷泉、水池等小型水景,周围种植景观石和水生植物。3.休闲区:放置户外桌椅、遮阳伞、躺椅等设施。如果空间允许,可以建造木制画廊。4.庭院入口:可以设置一扇漂亮的庭院门,入口处可以铺设特色地砖或石板,周围可以布置小型绿色植物和盆栽。从入口到别墅门使用弯曲的鹅卵石:蜿蜒的路径可以增加庭院的趣味性和空间层次感,营造出自然柔和的氛围。 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




Help design the villa courtyard: The depth is 7 meters and the width is 9 meters. The courtyard is divided into 4 areas; 1. Planting area: The camphor trees, osmanthus trees and other trees mentioned above can be planted, along with ground cover flowers such as roses and rhododendrons. 2. Landscape area: Small water features such as fountains and pools can be set up with landscape stones and aquatic plants planted around them. 3. Leisure area: Place outdoor tables, chairs, parasols, deck chairs and other facilities. If space permits, wooden galleries can be built. 4. Courtyard entrance: A beautiful courtyard door can be set up, characteristic floor tiles or stone slabs can be laid at the entrance, and small green plants and potted plants can be arranged around it. Curved pebbles are used from the entrance to the villa door: the winding path can increase the interest and spatial layering of the courtyard, creating a natural and soft atmosphere.




 分类 商业摄影, 建筑设计    发表日期收录于25年01月20日