这辆车的形状像一辆经典的校车,整个车身都覆盖着柔软、丝滑的粉红色长毛绒,散发出舒适可爱的气息。校车保持了传统的矩形形状,但融入了圆角,再加上毛绒材料,增添了异想天开和梦幻般的魅力。窗户、轮胎和侧镜等细节也装饰着毛绒装饰,使整辆公交车看起来像一个巨大的毛绒玩具。公共汽车正驶过一座现代化城市的繁华街道,周围是摩天大楼、发光的霓虹灯和人群。阳光突出了毛绒质感和阴影,营造出温暖而梦幻的氛围。高分辨率,丰富的细节,逼真的完成。 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




A vehicle shaped like a classic school bus, its entire exterior covered in soft, silky pink plush fur, radiating a cozy and adorable vibe. The school bus maintains its traditional rectangular shape but incorporates rounded edges, combined with the plush material to add a whimsical and dreamy charm. Details such as windows, tires, and side mirrors are also adorned with plush accents, making the entire bus resemble a giant fluffy toy. The bus is driving through the bustling streets of a modern city, surrounded by skyscrapers, glowing neon lights, and crowds of people. Sunlight highlights the plush texture and shadows, creating a warm and fantastical atmosphere. High resolution, rich details, and a lifelike finish.




 分类 概念艺术    发表日期收录于25年01月6日