马戏团主题框架,带马戏团帐篷,白色背景,矢量插图,平面设计,形状简单,没有阴影,空白白色方形框架中心没有文字,图片上下边缘没有颜色,没有阴影。红黑相间的格子图案。没有阴影细节。以卡通风格。形状两端都是圆形的。在右侧,矩形内只有一个大的红色圆点。应该有一个空格来写名字或信息。它有一个优雅的边框。 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




Circus-themed frame with a circus tent, against a white background, vector illustration, flat design, simple shapes, no shadows, no text in the center of an empty white square frame, no color on the top and bottom edges of the picture, no shading. Red and black checkered pattern. No shadow details. In a cartoon style. The shape is rounded at both ends. On the right side, there is only one large red round spot inside the rectangle. There should be a blank space for writing a name or message. It has an elegant border that frames it.




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