晚上,圆圆的月亮挂在天空中。在中国神话中,牛郎织女,一个男孩戴着汉服,一个女孩戴着白色汉服和华丽的头饰,面对面,紧紧地握在一起。他们俩站在一座由天空中许多鸽子组成的桥上,周围是白云。远处,有中国古代的塔楼,就像天空中的宫殿,全长拍摄,全身拍摄,高度细节,摄影,美丽的电影灯光 –stylize 950 –personalize –v 6.1
At night, the round moon hangs in the sky. In Chinese mythology, the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, a boy wearing Hanfu and a girl wearing white Hanfu and a gorgeous headdress, face to face, holding hands tightly together. The two of them stand on a bridge made up of many pigeons in the sky, surrounded by white clouds. In the distance, there are ancient Chinese towers, like palaces in the sky,Full Length Shot,full body shot, highly detailed,photography,beautiful cinematic lighting --stylize 950 --personalize --v 6.1
晚上,圆圆的月亮挂在天空中。在中国神话中,牛郎织女,一个男孩戴着汉服,一个女孩戴着白色汉服和华丽的头饰,面对面,紧紧地握在一起。他们俩站在一座由天空中许多鸽子组成的桥上,周围是白云。远处,有中国古代的塔楼,就像天空中的宫殿,全长拍摄,全身拍摄,高度细节,摄影,美丽的电影灯光 --stylize 950 --personalize --v 6.1