半现实高清超高质量插图,描绘了一个20多岁的金发男人。明亮的绿眼睛,丰满的嘴唇,英俊的脸庞。他身穿绿色束腰外衣,搭配白色镶边的红色长围裙,脚穿甘蔗条纹短袜和黑色长皮裤,身材匀称,脸颊红润,肤色苍白。脸上和肩膀上有雀斑。背景是一家面包店,他拿着一碗饼干面糊,脸颊和围裙上沾着面粉。全身插图景观从头到脚的图像。 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译




semi-realistic HD hyper best quality illustration of a man in mid 20s with blonde hair. Bright green eyes, has full lips, handsome face. wears a green tunic under a long red apron with white trim, candy cane-striped socks, and long black leather pants, His body is toned, His cheeks have a pink blush and has a pale skin tone. Has freckles dusted on face and shoulders. Background is a bakery and he is holding a bowl full of cookie batter with bits of flour on his cheek and apron. full body illustration landscape head to toe image.




 分类 概念艺术    发表日期收录于25年01月4日